Villages & Towns in Krishnagar - II Block Nadia, West Bengal - Census 2011
List of all villages and towns in Krishnagar - II Block of Nadia district, West Bengal. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 44 villages within Krishnagar - II Block. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.
The total population of Krishnagar - II Block is 139,472 out of which urban population is 5,440 while rural is 134,032. As per Census 2011, total families in Krishnagar - II were 1,422. Check out important data about Krishnagar - II Block as per Census 2011.
Krishnagar - II Block data as per Census 2011
Total | Rural | Urban | |
Population | 139,472 | 134,032 | 5,440 |
Children (0-6 years) | 15,352 | 14,919 | 433 |
Literacy | 68.52% | 67.93% | 82.7% |
Sex Ratio | 948 | 947 | 951 |
Scheduled Caste | 18.3% | 17.6% | 37.4% |
Scheduled Tribe | 1.6% | 1.7% | 0.2% |
List of Municipal Towns in Krishnagar - II Block
Below is list of all towns in Krishnagar - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Town | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Harindanga (Census Town) | 5,440 | 82.7% | 951 |
List of Villages in Krishnagar - II Block
Below is list of all villages in Krishnagar - II Block with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.
# | Village | Population | Literacy | Sex Ratio |
1 | Armia | 1,818 | 56.62% | 989 |
2 | Bahadurpur | 5,455 | 61.78% | 937 |
3 | Balainagar | 1,465 | 63.62% | 895 |
4 | Bamanpara | 501 | 52.6% | 949 |
5 | Banagram | 1,733 | 72.04% | 906 |
6 | Bargara | 2,157 | 60.92% | 911 |
7 | Belgaon | 2,599 | 78.37% | 979 |
8 | Belpukur | 5,979 | 67.61% | 1,001 |
9 | Bishnu Nagar | 1,139 | 56.28% | 831 |
10 | Char Behala | 46 | 79.07% | 917 |
11 | Charmahatpur | 1,570 | 72.29% | 950 |
12 | Chaugachhahansadanga | 4,685 | 64.05% | 925 |
13 | Chhagharia | 642 | 66.67% | 1,025 |
14 | Chuakhali | 1,929 | 70.51% | 945 |
15 | Chupipota | 2,798 | 52.57% | 928 |
16 | Dalai Molla | 1,647 | 63.13% | 977 |
17 | Debipur | 2,869 | 62.25% | 923 |
18 | Dhubulia | 11,623 | 84.02% | 919 |
19 | Durgabas | 2,630 | 62.28% | 914 |
20 | Dwipchandrapur | 4,209 | 82.88% | 955 |
21 | Gabarkuli | 3,837 | 79.91% | 961 |
22 | Ghateswar | 2,390 | 68.84% | 998 |
23 | Kamarhati | 2,231 | 79.47% | 973 |
24 | Kanthaliamath | 73 | 61.43% | 780 |
25 | Khajuri | 3,383 | 55.26% | 1,003 |
26 | Krishna Chandrapur | 4,464 | 66.64% | 907 |
27 | Mayaral | 4,051 | 59.38% | 914 |
28 | Noapara | 5,705 | 62.17% | 974 |
29 | Parmedia | 13 | 16.67% | 625 |
30 | Paschim Panditpur | 554 | 51.72% | 865 |
31 | Pathradaha | 2,782 | 62.68% | 974 |
32 | Polta | 1,940 | 57.5% | 1,006 |
33 | Purbapanditpur | 1,485 | 74.73% | 931 |
34 | Rakalgachhi | 304 | 85.3% | 1,000 |
35 | Rukunpur | 4,804 | 51.91% | 974 |
36 | Rupdaha | 1,504 | 59.46% | 961 |
37 | Sadhanpara | 2,971 | 70.19% | 925 |
38 | Saheb Nagar | 1,305 | 70.11% | 864 |
39 | Singhati | 3,897 | 70.95% | 888 |
40 | Sonadanga | 11,156 | 70.02% | 970 |
41 | Sonatala | 9,406 | 67.93% | 959 |
42 | Sujanpur | 1,338 | 54.26% | 871 |
43 | Tatla | 5,036 | 72.89% | 988 |
44 | Uttarjhitkipota | 1,909 | 65.64% | 930 |