Villages & Towns in Pandhurna Tehsil Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Pandhurna Tehsil of Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 169 villages within Pandhurna Tehsil. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Pandhurna Tehsil is 192,618 out of which urban population is 45,479 while rural is 147,139. As per Census 2011, total families in Pandhurna were 10,243. Check out important data about Pandhurna Tehsil as per Census 2011.

Pandhurna Tehsil data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 192,618 147,139 45,479
Children (0-6 years) 22,319 17,333 4,986
Literacy 76.48% 73.19% 87.03%
Sex Ratio 953 957 937
Scheduled Caste 9.1% 9.3% 8.7%
Scheduled Tribe 33.5% 42% 6%

List of Municipal Towns in Pandhurna Tehsil

Below is list of all towns in Pandhurna Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Pandhurna (Municipality) 45,479 87.03% 937

List of Villages in Pandhurna Tehsil

Below is list of all villages in Pandhurna Tehsil with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ajangaon 802 84.81% 928
2 Ajangaon 1,352 79.38% 786
3 Ambada Alias Maini Dhana Ryt. 637 74.52% 913
4 Ambada Khurd 685 70.83% 1,039
5 Ambada Mal. 2,511 79.75% 945
6 Ambakhapa 48 53.85% 714
7 Balapur F.V. 331 82.33% 1,095
8 Bamla 330 63.25% 1,025
9 Bandhan 868 64.07% 951
10 Bangaon 1,058 68.17% 1,004
11 Barighat 461 92.7% 996
12 Belgaon Dawami 468 64.27% 926
13 Bhaisa Dongri Ryt. 398 62.78% 761
14 Bhajipani 1,014 71.63% 1,004
15 Bhandargondi 2,104 78.69% 1,002
16 Bhatewadi 1,097 67.63% 1,020
17 Bhimkhedi 814 74.26% 915
18 Bhuli 1,310 77.19% 938
19 Bhuyari 522 69.3% 912
20 Bichhawasani 803 76.44% 983
21 Bichhuwa Kalan 606 61.63% 912
22 Biroli 497 82.68% 919
23 Birolipar 332 67.71% 953
24 Boghiya 1,394 78.89% 933
25 Borgaon 732 70.09% 973
26 Borkhedi 34 64% 1,000
27 Borpani F.V. 655 68.83% 932
28 Buchankhapa 770 73.22% 964
29 Changoba 1,758 69.39% 995
30 Chatwa 1,435 70.05% 955
31 Chhabdi 560 58.58% 918
32 Chhindboh 576 46.36% 933
33 Chichghat 122 64.86% 906
34 Chichkheda 869 76.61% 989
35 Chicholi 5,520 80.98% 921
36 Chikhali Mukasa 573 62.75% 891
37 Chikni 10 60% 1,000
38 Chikri Ryt. - - -
39 Chiman Khapa 1,019 72.03% 982
40 Dadhimeta 453 81.42% 841
41 Deo Khapa 662 72.32% 959
42 Deonala Mal. 791 61.18% 1,044
43 Deonala Ryt. 310 63.6% 1,153
44 Dhanora 1,106 71.34% 1,022
45 Dhawadi Khapa 693 66.94% 947
46 Dholan Khapa B.S. - - -
47 Dholan Khapa Ryt. 1,124 59.26% 918
48 Dholankhapa 841 72.02% 1,031
49 Dighori 780 80.25% 1,042
50 Duddewani 589 64.94% 1,038
51 Dudha 400 71.82% 818
52 Gadmau 513 64.25% 1,060
53 Gaykhuri 421 75.27% 931
54 Ghogara Ryt. 238 68.98% 859
55 Ghogari 1,127 73.63% 1,009
56 Ghogri 897 67.3% 967
57 Ghudankhapa 569 83.76% 909
58 Godarikhapa 16 40% 1,286
59 Gorlikhapa 1,214 70.96% 942
60 Govindpur 565 72.51% 865
61 Gujarkhedi 670 76.59% 948
62 Hardoli 567 77.13% 969
63 Heti 4 50% 1,000
64 Hiwara Prithwiram 823 78.15% 849
65 Hiwarasenadwar 2,835 80.9% 974
66 Itawa 780 63.58% 960
67 Jamghat 582 75.92% 1,021
68 Jamlapani 693 74.4% 893
69 Jatlapur 34 65.52% 1,267
70 Joga - - -
71 Junapani Dawami No.1 - - -
72 Junapani Dawami No.2 - - -
73 Junapani Mal. 325 70.21% 946
74 Junewani 980 72.23% 941
75 Kalamgaon 890 64.29% 982
76 Kalapatha 307 70.26% 955
77 Kamthi Kalan 1,440 79.64% 933
78 Kamthi Khurd 304 58.43% 949
79 Karaghat Kamthi 2,142 59.96% 1,032
80 Karvhar 614 83.85% 895
81 Kaudiya 2,131 61.15% 1,016
82 Khadki 684 61.99% 983
83 Khairipaika 1,343 78.21% 955
84 Khapa Razadi 674 79.53% 982
85 Khapar Kheda 207 91.19% 953
86 Khedi Dhajjewar 49 62.22% 1,333
87 Khedi Pandewar 134 75.21% 1,127
88 Khedidhan Bhoyarwar 416 62.57% 891
89 Khedikala 1,058 79.6% 899
90 Kodhar Roadikheda 234 64.36% 1,071
91 Kolikhapa 96 63.41% 882
92 Kondhar Mal. 2 50% 1,000
93 Kukadikhapa 599 64.41% 1,003
94 Kundali 1,178 65.71% 915
95 Langha 2,029 76.75% 976
96 Lavhana 913 61.41% 856
97 Lendaghondi 591 70.67% 1,031
98 Lendhori 2,172 74.51% 944
99 Linga Eletir 801 71.96% 988
100 Lonadei Mal 894 71.02% 1,055
101 Lonadei Ryt. 63 67.92% 1,250
102 Magajgaon 261 68.75% 905
103 Malapur 334 63.95% 942
104 Malegaon 959 77.91% 953
105 Mandvi 828 66.94% 930
106 Mangurli 1,650 71.97% 993
107 Markawada 911 63.37% 1,159
108 Markawada 1,130 76.24% 915
109 Marood 3,651 80.58% 959
110 Met 559 68.97% 1,109
111 Mohgaon 28 51.85% 1,000
112 Mohi 390 77.91% 931
113 Mohkhedi 145 57.6% 790
114 Mordongri 2,919 78% 929
115 More Ghat 321 64.02% 981
116 Morghondi 608 74.02% 1,007
117 Mundi Dhana Ryt. 610 58.17% 949
118 Najarpur Ryt. 5 60% 0
119 Nandanwadi Mal. 1,555 75.53% 986
120 Nandanwadi Ryt. 649 60.61% 717
121 Nandpur 38 40.62% 900
122 Narayan Ghat 336 56.18% 988
123 Narsala 917 72.42% 951
124 Nilkanth 681 67.21% 935
125 Pailepar 971 71.13% 875
126 Palaspani 1,005 61.46% 1,051
127 Pandoni 1,704 70.66% 919
128 Pandurna Kasba 39 51.52% 1,053
129 Pardi 1,646 80.2% 981
130 Parsodi 737 66% 955
131 Pathai 1,203 67.11% 1,053
132 Pathara 667 65.61% 979
133 Paunar Mal. 522 68.98% 845
134 Paunar Ryt. - - -
135 Piparpani 1,171 62.83% 971
136 Pither Mal. 403 63.82% 866
137 Pither Ryt. 536 56.83% 1,007
138 Raibasa 953 71.53% 906
139 Rajana 4,174 80.31% 953
140 Rajdongri 1,679 69.87% 1,035
141 Rajora Kalan 608 89.12% 987
142 Rajora Khurd 466 65.85% 958
143 Ringankhapa 520 69.4% 948
144 Salai 439 59.74% 934
145 Sawajpani 868 68.25% 1,033
146 Sawajpani Mal. 284 74.5% 1,152
147 Sawajpani Ryt. 301 68.59% 955
148 Sendurjana 1,045 69.91% 1,073
149 Seoni 6,371 79.34% 939
150 Sillewani 574 77.4% 1,028
151 Sirata 2,633 71.73% 1,022
152 Sitapar - - -
153 Sonegaon - - -
154 Sonpathar 910 64.29% 880
155 Teegaon 7,785 79.51% 940
156 Temni 1,438 67.7% 928
157 Temni 752 71.32% 989
158 Umara Makta 637 78.95% 924
159 Umari Khurd 755 60.96% 971
160 Umarikalan 1,247 80.98% 958
161 Uttamdera Mal. 592 61.75% 947
162 Uttamdera Ryt. 21 68.42% 615
163 Vada 78 54.84% 950
164 Vagholi - - -
165 Wadda Dawami - - -
166 Wadda Mal. 293 66.14% 903
167 Wadegaon 2,746 79.71% 923
168 Wakora 205 75.14% 971
169 Warjali 34 50% 889
Villages in Pandhurna Population of Pandhurna Sex Ratio of Pandhurna Literacy Rate in Pandhurna