Villages & Towns in Prantij Taluka Sabarkantha, Gujarat - Census 2011

List of all villages and towns in Prantij Taluka of Sabarkantha district, Gujarat. As per Census 2011, there are 1 towns and 64 villages within Prantij Taluka. Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population, Caste, Religion, Literacy, Sex Ration data.

The total population of Prantij Taluka is 161.279 out of which urban population is 23.596 while rural is 137.683. As per Census 2011, total families in Prantij were 4.980. Check out important data about Prantij Taluka as per Census 2011.

Prantij Taluka data as per Census 2011

Total Rural Urban
Population 161.279 137.683 23.596
Children (0-6 years) 19.541 16.902 2.639
Literacy 81,36% 80,89% 84,09%
Sex Ratio 930 926 951
Scheduled Caste 8,2% 9,1% 2,9%
Scheduled Tribe 0,4% 0,2% 1,3%

List of Municipal Towns in Prantij Taluka

Below is list of all towns in Prantij Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Town Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Prantij (Municipality) 23.596 84,09% 951

List of Villages in Prantij Taluka

Below is list of all villages in Prantij Taluka with important data such as Population, Literacy rate and Sex Ratio.

# Village Population Literacy Sex Ratio
1 Ambavada 2.667 89,35% 887
2 Aminpur 1.654 88,38% 921
3 Amodra 2.150 76,99% 870
4 Amrapur 1.297 77,41% 936
5 Asroda 1.016 83,52% 875
6 Baini Muvadi 527 82,66% 974
7 Bakarpur 865 82,72% 889
8 Balisana 4.837 75,71% 936
9 Bobha 3.351 79,35% 895
10 Chhadarda 1.003 86,29% 854
11 Dalani Muvadi 2.546 76,26% 910
12 Dalpur 3.313 75,82% 912
13 Fatepur 2.555 89,07% 920
14 Galesara 1.321 80,28% 858
15 Ged 1.147 62,68% 931
16 Ghadi 3.266 78,86% 897
17 Ghadkan 3.452 89,14% 911
18 Hadmatiya 1.412 76,63% 958
19 Indrajpur 558 66,01% 1.036
20 Jenpur 1.209 74,36% 947
21 Kalipura 621 90,56% 899
22 Kamalpur 1.670 94,85% 904
23 Karol 3.320 81,12% 944
24 Katpur 883 80,31% 859
25 Katwad 1.281 75,25% 986
26 Kesharpur 1.110 80,65% 979
27 Lalpur 433 79,05% 986
28 Limla 1.546 75% 883
29 Mahadevpura 1.108 87,85% 850
30 Majra 3.652 83,03% 901
31 Mamroli 703 78,89% 1.050
32 Mauchha 1.959 76,11% 934
33 Mavani Muvadi 361 70,07% 920
34 Memadpur 2.149 73,47% 1.014
35 Morvad 811 66,29% 1.002
36 Moyad 7.905 78,68% 935
37 Nananpur 2.078 89,4% 894
38 Nikodiya 1.122 92,86% 925
39 Oran 3.463 84,55% 921
40 Padhayda 256 85,24% 1.032
41 Pallachar 2.733 89,11% 954
42 Piludra 3.526 76,53% 936
43 Poglu 2.985 86,08% 927
44 Poyada 1.401 81,56% 943
45 Punadra 1.222 74,45% 924
46 Raslod 1.576 81,87% 953
47 Rasulpur 903 92,76% 917
48 Sadani Muvadi 1.378 79,13% 946
49 Sadoliya 763 72,45% 898
50 Salal 5.235 83,4% 944
51 Sanpad 2.742 68,66% 942
52 Sitvada 4.837 81,04% 928
53 Sonasan 5.371 80,97% 925
54 Sukhad 2.228 70,21% 911
55 Tajpur 4.382 85,68% 947
56 Takhatgadh 1.489 90,85% 885
57 Unchha 2.699 78,39% 935
58 Vadrad 3.263 84,01% 923
59 Vadvasa 2.097 84,52% 969
60 Vaghpur 3.814 75,89% 929
61 Vaghrota 1.518 89,55% 879
62 Vajapur 854 79,2% 977
63 Zalani Muvadi 1.246 72,51% 984
64 Zinzva 2.844 79,9% 935
Villages in Prantij Population of Prantij Sex Ratio of Prantij Literacy Rate in Prantij